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International Symposium on Single Crystal Diamond and Its Electronic Devices 2014

On June 12-15, 2014, the "International Symposium on Single Crystal Diamond and Electronic Devices and the Fourth China Vacuum Forum (SCDE&2014CVF)" jointly organized by Xi'an Jiaotong University, China Vacuum Society, Shaanxi Association for Science and Technology, and Shaanxi Vacuum Society, as well as the Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices Research Center of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Shaanxi Vacuum Society, Key Laboratory of Electronic Physics and Devices of the Ministry of Education, and Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Information Photonics Technology, was held at the Shenzhou Hotel of Xi'an Expressway. More than 150 experts and scholars from different countries participated in this international seminar. Hou Xun, academician of the School of Telecommunications of our university, Xue Qunji, academician of the Ningbo Institute of Materials of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, served as the chairman of the conference, and Professor Wang Hongxing, a distinguished expert of the National "Thousand Talents Program" of the School of Telecommunications of our university, President of the Japan Diamond Association, Professor Kawahara of Waseda University, Professor Takeo Obuchi of the Japanese Institute of Materials (NIMS), and Chairman of the Shaanxi Vacuum Society, Bu Ninan Research Institute jointly served as the executive chairman of the conference. The purpose of this conference is to provide an academic exchange platform for experts, scholars, technicians, and entrepreneurs in the fields of single crystal diamond materials, electronic devices, and diamond single crystal growth equipment, to strengthen mutual understanding and cooperation among domestic peers in the industry, and to jointly promote the vigorous development of the international single crystal diamond materials and electronic device industry and related industries. Through the exchange of experts and scholars from various related fields at home and abroad, we aim to understand the latest progress in the research field of the world's new ultra wide bandgap semiconductor - single crystal diamond and its electronic devices, develop new experimental methods and theories, condense key scientific problems, summarize basic laws, provide theoretical basis and practical methods, comprehensively promote interdisciplinary and cross disciplinary substantial cooperation based on advanced carbon materials, promote the construction of research platforms for single crystal diamond semiconductor materials and electronic devices in our province, and through joint efforts, promote the progress and development of international research on single crystal diamond and its electronic devices, expand the application and achievement transformation of such advanced electronic materials and devices.

Ultra wide bandgap semiconductor - single crystal diamond integrates excellent characteristics such as electricity, optics, mechanics, acoustics, and thermodynamics. It has extremely important application prospects in high-temperature, high-efficiency, ultra high power millimeter wave electronic devices, power electronic devices, biosensors, optoelectronic detection and imaging, particle detection and imaging, aerospace and other systems, and is known as the "ultimate semiconductor" in the industry. Diamond electronic devices also have the advantages of small size, high integration, and no need for refrigeration compared to other semiconductor devices. In terms of energy conservation and emission reduction, and building a green earth, it will play its unique advantages and trigger a revolution in the new generation of semiconductor technology.

The opening ceremony of the conference was presided over by Professor Wang Hongxing. Vice President Song Xiaoping of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Vice Chairman of the Party Guanglu of Shaanxi Association for Science and Technology, and Deputy Secretary General of China Vacuum Society delivered speeches, jointly hoping that the conference will be successfully held, promote international cooperation and exchange in the field of single crystal diamond and its electronic devices, and provide a good opportunity for the development of related industries in China. The internationally renowned expert in single crystal diamond and its electronic devices, Chairman of the Japan Diamond Association, and Professor Kawahara Tadayo from Waseda University delivered a speech on behalf of the guests, focusing on reviewing the development history and important milestone events of single crystal diamond and its electronic devices, and pointing out the broad application prospects of diamond and its electronic devices in power semiconductor devices, semiconductor integration, micromechanics, optoelectronic detection imaging, particle detection imaging, and biosensing in the future.

This conference was attended by 18 academic presentations from experts in the diamond and vacuum fields at home and abroad, and the attending representatives had lively discussions. Professor Kawahara Tianyang from Waseda University, Professor Yasuo Kozuo from NIMS in Japan, Professor Shiro Sakai from Japan, and Professor Yonghua Tsang from Success University in Taiwan reported on the latest research progress of their respective teams; Jiangnan Research Institute of Ningbo Institute of Materials, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Li Chengming of Beijing University of Science and Technology, Professor Yang Ping of Jinan University, and Professor Liu Weiguo of Xi'an University of Technology reported the latest research progress of domestic single crystal diamond respectively. Lei Zhenlin, a researcher from Shenyang Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd., Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Li Detian, a researcher from China Academy of Space Technology, respectively made reports on vacuum equipment and space applications. Professor Wang Hongxing, Director of the Center for Wide bandgap Semiconductor Materials and Devices at our university, introduced the latest research progress in the rapid growth of single crystal diamond, epitaxial growth of single crystal diamond at the electronic device level, diamond based blind ultraviolet detection, and diamond based power electronic devices, which was highly praised by the attending representatives.